2024 FEB 22

Introduction to EMF Harmonization

There is growing scientfic evidence that shows that exposure to EMF radiation contributes to a wide variety of health problems. Primarily it causes oxidative stress, and induces insomnia. Without proper restorative sleep, the body isn't able to properly repair itself. Short-term exposure can cause anxiety, brain fog and headaches. Long-term exposure can lead to developing electrosensitivity and even autoimmune disorders.

Ancient Wisdom For Modern Problems

Through my many years of studying geomancy, I've learned that EMF radiation and geopathic stress zones both effect the body in similar ways. It turns out that the old world knowledge that was used by geomancers and temple builders, can be utilized to solve modern problems such as the pervasive electro-smog created by technology.

The process of transmuting radiation is done through applied spiritual science. The higher ordered principles that structure the etheric plane can be accessed through the archetypal resonance of geometric shape and form. The master builders of the old world encoded these into the temples they built. You can engineer the qualities of a sacred space through the correct application of geomantic design principles. This same knowledge was also weaponized in the geometry of tomb construction. Many ancient tombs were enclaves that were engineered to irradiate the interior space with deadly subtle energy radiation. This ensured that anyone that looted the tomb wouldn't live long enough to enjoy their spoils. Hence the many legends of cursed tombs. The ignorance of these principles in our current age has tragically resulted in haphazardly constructed architecture, as well as technology that energetically poisons the environment, and slowly kills the people that use it.

The Wave Mechanics of Transmutation

More specifically, we are interacting with a compression wave phenomena. While classical electromagnetic theory largely deals with sinosoidal transverse waves, there'a also some measure of longitudinal compression waves that interact with them as well. Geomancers have identified that there are compression waves that propagate parallel to the Earth's surface (horizontal waves), as well as ones that propagate perpendicular to the Earth's surface (vertical waves). In modern times it was determined that there is a particular cluster of horizontal sub-band frequencies that have consistently been located at sacred power spots. This particular combination was called "BioGeometry 3" or BG3, by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, creator of the system of BioGeometry1.

On the vertical spectrum, there's a particular frequency that's been found to be detrimental to life, and even creates enough entropy that it can cause failures in mechanical systems too. This particular wavelength has been referred to as "vertical negative green" (VNG) by geomancers. This frequency has particular quality of toxicity that has consistently been identified as being present in geopathic stress zones, fault lines, poisonous substances, disease organisms, sewage lines, graveyards, radioactive substances, as well as EMF radiation.

In the laboratory, researcher Jean-Louis Naudin discovered that he was able to create longitudinal compression waves by applying destructive wave interference to a transverse electromagnetic field2. Through a similar action of wave mechanics, you can also get longitudinal compression waves to alter the quality and function of electromagnetic fields. It's through the restructuring of the compression wave component of EMF radiation, where we can fine tune it's interaction with the environment and biological life.

In the course of my research, I've discovered that if you can raise the BG3 sacred power spot energy high enough, you can effectively cancel out all of the harmful VNG frequency.

Implementing Effective And Practical Solutions

Unfortunately the solutions that are currently offered don't work very well for many people. Our modern world has developed to such a high level of technological dependency, that it's very difficult to be able to completely unplug from it. Solutions that rely on blocking frequencies, or shutting your device off, don't address the issue of how to protect yourself when you actually do need to use your device.

There are products on the market that claim to be able to transform harmful radiation. Most companies selling these are not able to explain how they function, or much of how they've be tested. In the samples I've tested, many were found to have sub-par performance.

The design work needs to be done with care and precision. Even a slight change can dramatically effect the energetic properties of a harmonizer. It's necessary to continually measure and test your work.

Some devices work great when you first install them, but stop working after a period of time. This is due to energetic impregnation, where the harmonizer gets filled with so much dense energy that it stops working. Some companies want you to buy replacements, others require you manually clear the energy.

The better performing harmonizers unfortunately also suffer from issues where they can interfere with being able to use a phone case, or they require placement on the outside where they can get damaged, or interfere with the use of accessories. It's sad that the makers of these products haven't considered the lifestyle needs of their customers.

Many harmonizers are quite expensive too! There's companies that serious expect you to throw down hundreds of dollars to harmonize every single electronic device you own. We're not helping anybody if these products are unnecessarily expensive, and out of the reach of the people that need them the most. We need better solutions to deal with the onslaught of increasing levels of wireless radiation, as well as make them available to as many people as possible.

I sought out to not only learn the physics behind EMF transmutation, but to also manufacture a superior harmonizer that addresses the shortcomings that exist in other products.

Harmonizer Features

About Remote Balancing

This feature is present to reduce concerns regarding potentially unbalanced devices that might be operating in your space. An ideal application is to put a harmonizer on your WiFi router, so that guests automatically have their devices balanced when they connect to your network. The balancing effect will only be present while they're connected to your network. Keep in mind that portable devices that are are used outside of the home won't be protected, unless they have their own harmonizer installed.

Another application of this feature is that if your smartphone is balanced, you won't need to worry harmonizing your Bluetooth headphones, smartwatch, or any other device that pairs with your phone. If you use your headphones with other devices, then those devices will need a harmonizer as well.

If you have a device such as a portable Bluetooth that gets used by many family members, and is perhaps brought to events where friends and other people also use it, it would be best to install a harmonizer onto the speaker itself. I have also observed that many portable speakers that have an aux input will still keep the Bluetooth circuitry active, even while it's using another input.

Purchasing A Harmonizer

This harmonizer has a special introductory pricing of $22 CAD (includes shipping). Your purchase helps me recover my development costs, as well as help fund research to create better energetic solutions and improve testing.
I conduct my online sales through my Ko-fi page Purchase Here
If you live you in Canada, you can also send payment via E-Transfer. If you live in the Edmonton area, you can also meet up with me to pay cash (and save $2!). I can be cоntactеd at :


This product only removes dangerous subtle energy frequencies that have been identified as being present in EMF radiation and geopathic stress zones. This works on the subtle energy level by using archetypal resonance to connect with higher ordered geometric forms that are part of the structure of the etheric plane, as well as torus field geometry that composes the fabric of the universe. To confirm effectiveness, you will need to use a system that can detect subtle energy such as radiesthesia or GDV. Alternatively, you can look for changes in physiological function such as HRV or live blood analysis.
This product was not fashioned using sigils, ritual magic, or invocation of spirits.
This product is not a faraday cage, and makes no attempt to directly block or shield electromagnetic emissions. You will not be able to confirm operation with an EMF meter.
This product is not an endorsement for technology use. The best way to mitigate technological hazards is to not use it at all. Your device may still continue to function as a tracking device, covert surveillance tool, contain software code engineered to cause addiction, or consume your time and attention that could be put towards higher purposes.
This product only mitigates one type of energetic hazard. Your local environment may have other hazards present that are outside the scope of this product's intended use. The remote balancing feature is initated from the host device. If your host device is off, then the peripheral device may still produce harmful radiation.
No statements of medical claims are being made. This product should never used as a substitue for professional medical care. All health related issues should be examined holisticaly, including, but not limited to nutrition, hydration, exercise, environmental, toxicological and psycho-spiritual factors. Please consult a qualified health practioner if you currently suffer from severe health issues.


1: Back To A Future For Mankind, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, published by BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd.
2: The Scalar Waves Transmitter, Jean-Louis Naudin, published by JLN Labs

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