updated 2024 JUL 25

The Mistake Made by Community Developers

The critical mistake made by many community developers, builders, real estate agents, and architects, is that they fail to hire a geomancer to properly survey and evaluate the energetic landscape of their property. While geomancers are often hired to dowse for water, there's much more that they can do.

In addition to finding the locations of water, a geomancer can also map out the locations of sacred power spots, grid lines, and geopathic stress zones. Knowing where these are will allow a developer to more appropriately plan out placement of facilities on the land. Sacred power spots are ideal for places of contemplation or healing. The bedroom of a house should always be as energetically neutral as possible. It's difficult to get proper rest if you're sleeping to close to a sacred power spot. The same goes for any underground water vein. Geopathic stress zones can be particularly dangerous, as being in close proximity to one for many hours a day can eventually lead to long-term chronic health issues. Grid lines should be mapped so that large zones and crossings can be avoided. Grid lines and geopathic stress zones can be of course be remediated. It's always much easier to avoid building a house over top of such a point.

The modern geomancy profession also includes dealing with EMF radiation. A property located a short distance for high tension power lines and wireless towers will need to have special considerations for dealing with these. At the same time if the property is being directly provisioned with infrastructure that includes things like smartmeters and WiFi network routers, this may end up causing all sorts of trouble for the residents that live there. There are ways of providing electricity and computer networking that don't produce troublesome EMFs. It's easier to plan this out before construction, than try to retrofit it later.

Other factors to consider is the usage of metal. In the 1920s Viktor Schauberger identified that the use of steel farming implements was slowly killing the top soil. This happens because activities like plowing results in metal ions being deposited into the soil, which ends up harmfully altering how the Earth's magnetic field lines are able to propagate through the soil, and the soils electrical permissivity to water. He created a number of designs for copper based farming machines that directly addressed these concerns1.

Metal used within building construction is also problematic. The desire to improve construction methods has failed to consider the consequences of some of it's material choices. Since ancient times, nearly all construction was done with either wood or masonry. Masonry in particular was often chosen because it had unique dielectric and piezoelectric properties that could be harnessed for particular energetic uses. Dielectric materials act as a capacitor, and helps conserve your body's electrical charge. While metal is very strong, it's also an electrical conductor that interferes with the fractal energetic structure of DNA, and the ability to expand or project your aura. If you are interested in any kind of spiritual development, then you should never live inside of a metal box! Things like metal roofs, steel I beams, aluminum siding, steel rebar reinforced concrete, and shipping containers should be entirely avoided. The land will also be happier with the less metal that's sitting on it2.

On the flip side, materials like hempcrete and close grained hardwoods tend to act as a dielectric, which helps conserve your body's electrical charge. The knowledge and appropriate use of dielectric, diamagnetic, and piezoelectric materials was understood by the ancient temple builders

The reality is that the ignorance of the energetic landscape of a propery and it's facilities can end up contributing to declining quality of life and health problems for the residents. People hire geomancers because an energetically vitalizing environment improves the health and prosperity of the people that live there. The energetic qualities of a building will be directly reflected by the people that are attracted to living there. If a building's residents are being plagued by having health or economic issues, it's very important to examine if there are some unaddressed toxic subtle energy sources that may be the contributing factor. Another factor to consider is that geopathic stress zones can contribute to higher maintenance costs. A geopathic stress zone is an area with considerably higher entropy. In addition to causing health problems, it also increase the frequency of developing structural issues, mold and insect damage, as well as mechanical systems having breakdowns and failures. Get these regions fixed before they cost you money!

If you're involved in community planning or development, property management, building construction, or infrastructure provisioning, and want to ensure the best possible environment for your clients and residents, feel free to contact me for a professional geomantic consultation. I can be rеached at :


1: Living Energies, Callum Coats, published by Gateway Books.
2: Biologic Architecture, Daniel Winter, published by Implosion Group.

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